What can you expect from this course?

FIRST - In order to lay the foundation for addressing your spending habits, you need to mentally and emotionally be in a place for change. Step one is to acknowledge that gap from where you are and where you want to be.

SECOND - We look at how companies go after your money with their marketing and sales tactics. These things may not be in your control, but when you identify them, you become conscious of what’s externally motivating you to spend.

THIRD - This is the hardest part, and should take the most time. This is where you' really look in the mirror and do personal work to determine the internal factors driving your spending. The Spending Inventory you will do in this lesson personalizes this program to be MOST effective for you!

LAST - You learn the beneficial habits to replace your old ones. If you miss this step, all the work you did previously may be for nothing, and you may find yourself turning back to old patterns!

On the next page, you’ll receive a downloadable workbook. I highly encourage you print the workbook or take digital hand-written notes because it activates different parts of your brain, which will ENHANCE your learning experience!

I hope to see you there!